Spaghetti Party #5

Sterling, Syd, Audrey, Flo, Phil, Alex H. & Alex B.

After five Spaghetti Parties, we’re starting to get a good system going.  The energy is always fun and inspiring!  The Spaghetti Party crew brings enthusiasm and creativity and the audience provides support and encouragement for self-expression.  It’s just an all-around good vibe.  Here’s a little overview of SP #5’s performers.  Be sure to check them out on their respective social media spots, and join us at the next show for some groovin’ & grub!


Sterling, front-person of the Philadelphia based band, Dead Sally, gave an excellent acoustic performance.  He showed exactly how to get a community engaged! With frequent sing-alongs, the crowd was always on their toes (in a good way), ready for the next song.

Sterling definitely has a very unique style that I was drawn to. He wore a rabbit hip-bone earring and danced around in his socks while he played. But, style isn’t just what you wear!  In between songs he told stories that made me feel very connected to his lyrics, even if you had never really heard them before. I think this is an important tool that any songwriter should have with their audience; connection.

You can find Sterling and his band on Bandcamp at Dead Sally.

“…I’ll hold your hand when you’re feeling defenseless. And, I will be there to remind you that you are loved… at least I’ll try to be.”

FM Buller

“AM, PM, FM. Bringing you street quality sudafed since at least 2018. Don’t touch that dial. “

Fuck Minster Buller

Fairly new into the scene, the Buller boys closed out the party with some fun and exuberant tunes. Their cover of “Sir Psycho” got everyone feeling funky. Comprised of Phil DiMercurio, Alex Baughman & Alex Hess, this trio is adept at mixing genres and creating new sounds.  They are currently in the process of recording and hope to be releasing songs soon. Be sure to check out their work!  Find them on Instagram at fm_buller.

ASMR by Spencer

At the Spaghetti Party, we always have a last minute stand-in, and for Party #5, it was Spencer.  When I expressed my stress about an act being late and scrambling for something to fill the time, Spencer stepped up to the plate with his wit and ASMR skills. He got up to the mic, speaking softly with a bag of Kettle brand Sea Salt and Vinegar chips in hand and crunched for an engaged audience. The sound echoed throughout the basement, sending tingles down the collective spine. Spencer, also, read some of his tweets in his witty whispery tone.

Spencer will be doing ASMR again at Spaghetti Party #6, so don’t miss it.  In the meantime, find him on Twitter @ sebthebeanie.

“I regularly exercise my facial muscles by crying.”


“What does being a woman mean to you?”

Powerful Poetry

Spoken word is a powerful tool, and writers Mina, Gracie and Summer definitely hit the nail right on the head with their poetic performance. The ladies all attend BISFA for creative writing and you can tell!  Their piece was an unapologetic, authentic, honest conversation about being a woman.

Summer, also, did a poem on her own, called “An Ode To Grieff,” which was featured in the Spaghetti Party Zeen Issue #1.

Find them on Instagram!
Summer @ thebasicflaws
Gracie @ graciehxstings
Mina @ raddmina

Syd Wilson’s Art

Syd Wilson displayed her art at October’s Spaghetti Party show.  It provided an extra layer of creativity to the eclectic vibe of the evening.  Syd is a graduate of Barbara Ingram School for the Arts in Hagerstown, where she refined her artistic talent.  Her artwork invokes thought and emotion.  If you’re interested in Syd’s work, you can connect with her via Instagram at sydvwe.


“Syd Wilson Art Stuff…”

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